‘Sensory Overload’ by Miguel Jiron



This is an interesting short piece that visualises one of the things that many people with Autism experience. It’s part of a bigger trans media project attached to research about Autism called ‘Interacting with Autism Project’ More info below:

Some people with autism have difficulty processing intense, multiple sensory experiences at once. This animation gives the viewer a glimpse into sensory overload, and how often our sensory experiences intertwine in everyday life.

Created as part of Mark Jonathan Harris’ and Marhsa Kinder’s «Interacting with Autism.» Coming in January 1st 2013, IWA is a three-year transmedia project funded by the federal Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ). University Professor Marsha Kinder, the Executive Director of the Labyrinth Project at USC, and Mark Harris are heading a team of filmmakers and artists working to build an interactive, video intensive website that will focus on the best available treatments for autism.



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Anidox Residency – call for submissions


ANIDOX residency open for applications, deadline 28th November. They are looking for Animated Documentary ideas.

Do you have an animated documentary short film in development? Is it ready to go into production early 2015? If you have the motivation, the skills, and the film idea, The Animation Workshop has the means to make it come alive!


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‘Children of the Holocaust’ by Fettle Animation



We are pleased to be sharing the latest news from Fettle Animation about their animated documentary series ‘Children of the Holocaust’ created for broadcast with BBC Learning  and the Holocaust Survivors’ Friendship Association.

The series is based on interviews with World War 2 Holocaust Survivors, and will form a resource on the BBC Learning Zone for 13 and 14 year school children learning about the Holocaust as part of their studies in History, Citizenship and Religious Education.

Ruth Rogoff 01 c Fettle Animation

The series has already been broadcast and has had further broadcast dates planned – the latest will be on the 15th October at 4am on BBC2. It is being screened as part of the BBC’s teachers TV service in the morning and will be on BBC I Player all week.

The trailer does a great job of showing how animation can be used to discuss a serious and possibly scary subject for a…

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50 documentales para ver antes de morir


Documentales para ver antes de morir

50 documentales que cambiarán tu visión del mundo

Hace casi 9 meses atrás me aventuré a realizar una recopilación de los que consideré eran los documentales que más me habían impactado y, con ello, cambiado el modo en el que veía el mundo. Con la ayuda de los fans de United Explanations en Facebook elaboramos una lista de los 25 documentales que creímos mejor cumplían con esta transformadora visión de la realidad que nos rodea. Tras numerosos comentarios y nuevas, y más que interesantes propuestas, he decidido extender la lista de 25 a 50 documentales que muy probablemente cambiarán tu forma de ver el mundo. Aquí los listamos a continuación. Evidentemente, esta lista puede ser extendida con tu opinión, por favor siéntete libre e invitado/a a dejar un comentario con otros documentales que consideres imperdibles.

20 documentales que te harán recapacitar sobre el mundo

1. Inside Job

Documental no sólo…

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‘Rocks in my Pockets’ by Signe Baumane – trailer


Check out the trailer for Signe Baumane’s first feature expiring mental illness through the stories of five women in her family – ‘a funny film about depression’.

Upcoming screenings around the world in Sept & Oct 2014 listed here:

And a series of ‘making of’ shorts here: http://www.rocksinmypocketsmovie.com/Process.html

Signe’s portfolio site here: http://www.signebaumane.com

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‘Dock Ellis and the LSD No No’ by James Blagden


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Ah! the experimental seventies! This funny short animated doc gives an account of what its like to play baseball under the influence of mind altering drugs. Towards the end of the animation the simplified frame rate comes into its own as a means to expose the narrators experience of judgement.


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DOK Leipzig Co-Production Meeting: call for projects in development


dok-leipzig co-production meeting 2014From our friends at DOK Leipzig:

«Dear Friends,
We are so pleased to announce that the 10th International DOK Leipzig Co-Production Meeting is now open for submissions. We are looking for:

Creative documentaries in development that are international in scope and looking for diverse financing partners, from Germany and abroad. In particular, theatrical documentaries intended for cinema release, however one-offs, series and trans/cross media projects are also welcome to apply.

The application deadline is August 1, 2014.

The 10th International DOK Leipzig Co-Production Meeting will take place on the 27 and 28 October. The two-day programme consists of individual meetings between producers, potential financiers including commissioning editors, film funds, distributors, and sales agents, as well as carefully-selected German producers looking for international projects. We also offer the most up-to-date information on working with international partners through our case studies and round tables. Participation costs 180 Euros for one participant…

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